Jan 282010


cover of what kids need to succeed

Everyone loves their kids.  We want to see them grow into prosperous, self-reliant, fulfilled adults who reach their goals and give to others.  But what separates high-achieving adults from those who fail?

It’s not all genetics, talent or luck.  It’s something that every parent (or grandparent or foster parent or coach or teacher or mentor) can provide.  It’s the Four Foundations.

In What Kids Need to Succeed: Four Foundations of Adult Achievement you’ll see that high achievers share a common childhood experience:  four critical life lessons were passed on to them in their early years.

After all, you’re not raising a child…. you’re raising a future adult.  Thanks for joining us.  Please share your thoughts about raising good grown-ups.

This book was chosen as the book of the month by the Direct Selling Women’s Association.  It has been published in Korea, Russia and Nigeria and was chosen as part of a multi-authored toolkit giving parents a wide range of methods to make teaching and learning fun.

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